Policy update regarding amendments to the Integrated Pest Management Regulation – June, 2015
1. Introduction
The Ministry of Environment (the Ministry) is proposing revisions to the Integrated Pest Management Regulation relating to the sale and cosmetic use of pesticides. This follows extensive consultation on the topic. The purpose of this document is to describe the final proposed revisions, which have been developed in response to comments received during consultation.
The objectives of the proposed revisions are to ensure that:
Pesticides will be used by people with knowledge and training;
Pesticides will be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) process; and
Public interaction with pesticide vendors at the point of sale will increase.
This document includes:
Background information regarding legislation and consultation on the cosmetic use of pesticides (section 2);
A description of the proposed revisions (section 3);
Intended implementation timeframe for the proposed revisions (section 4); and
Appendices with proposed Schedule 5 Pesticides (Domestic class only) and proposed revised Schedule 2 – Excluded Pesticides.
For more information click here to read the entire policy changes.