Pesticide and Pest Management Resources for BC Ornamental Landscapers
Nursery Production Guide - Guide to best management practices in British Columbia for outdoor ornamental
plants, including vines, perennials, shrubs, and trees BCMoA
outlining pests of specific crops/ornamentals and the chemical and cultural
control options available. Detailed information can be found on common insect
pests and diseases of ornamentals. Extensive list of resources, publications
and contacts.
Home & Garden Pest Management Guide for British Columbia
This comprehensive guide to pest management in the
home and garden is available for purchase from British Columbia Crown
Publications. Links for this guide can
be found at
Pesticide Label Search: Health Canada
Search here for the label of any pesticide registered
in Canada OR Google “pesticide label search”
PMRA Fact Sheet: Reporting
Pesticide Incidents
is where you’ll find information on how to report a pesticide incident.
Pesticide Wise: BCMofA
Find info sheets on pesticides, preventing harmful
pesticide exposure, and reducing non-target effects of spraying.
BC Ministry of
Environment - Pesticides and Pest Management
publications and guides, pests and IPM information, regulations and
requirements on this new ministry website.
BC Ministry of
Agriculture Plant Health and Pest Management
to pest management publications, production guides, invasive species and
pesticide information.
Western Canada
Turfgrass Association
pesticide news, and information on field days, training and meetings for the
turf industry. Updated production guide
will be published here in the future.
Clean Farms Obsolete Pesticide Collection
Find information on free industry-sponsored collection
events for obsolete pesticides, and the program for the collection of empty
pesticide containers.
Product Care
Find a Product Care Paint Plus depot for the disposal
of domestic pesticides and other household hazardous wastes
BC Environment
Industry Association
on hazardous waste management in BC
Farm and Ranch Safety Health Association
Don’t forget to check out the “New FARSHA Resources”
OR Contact Carol Reid, Provincial Safety
Consultant, Orchards & Vineyards
(250) 765-7025 Cell: (250)
215-5293 Email:
Worksafe BC
Health and Safety for Landscapers and Lawn Maintenance
Crew training Talks and Employer Guide to Occupational
Health and Safety Programs
Agricultural Health Study
This study explores the potential causes of cancer and
other diseases in farmers and commercial pesticide applicators.
Pesticides and Pest Management: Health Canada
Learn about what the Pesticide Management Regulatory
Agency does, about the registration process and product evaluation, and access
reports and publications.
Pesticide Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) Decisions and Updates
Links to fact sheets on active ingredients that have been
registered or re-evaluated.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (U.S.)
Check out this site for information pests, pest
control and pesticides:
* Some US websites may have information on products that are not
registered for use in Canada. Please
consult the PMRA label search to determine the registration of any product
before use.*
For MSDS sheets, contact the company using the information
provided on the label.
EXTOXNET - The EXtension TOXicology NETwork (U.S.)
This site is a cooperative
effort of the Universities of California-Davis, Oregon State, Michigan State,
Idaho and Cornell University.
It is a wealth of well organized information on pesticides, toxicology of specific pesticides, and general questions on pesticide safety.
It is a wealth of well organized information on pesticides, toxicology of specific pesticides, and general questions on pesticide safety.
National Pesticide Information Centre (U.S.)
A great source of factsheets and PODcasts.
US Centre for Disease
Control - Toxic Substances Portal (U.S.)
toxicology info for a variety of chemicals, including some pesticides.
Ornamental plant sites
Oregon State University Dept
of Horticulture Landscape Plants (US)
identification and information organized alphabetically by genus.
Woody Plant Identification
System (US)
sure what that plant is? Here is a
database for identifying woody plant species.
Integrated Pest Management
Radcliffe’s IPM World
Textbook (U.S.)
online resource for integrated pest management, with links to other websites
and to posted chapters.
Biological Control: A guide to natural enemies of North America (U.S.)
Biobest’s Side Effects Manual
Follow the tab at the bottom for a calculator of how
each pesticide may affect your beneficial insects.
Koppert Biological Systems
Dutch site that allows you to select the beneficial
that you want to protect and the pesticide that you want to spray to see the
potential effects of the spray.
Introduction to
Abiotic Disorders of Plants (US)
American Pathological Society’s education section has a site page specific to
abiotic disorders. This site include a link to a Resource List
Pacific Northwest
Plant Disease Management Handbook
site is a great resource for plant diagnostics.
Enter the common name for the plant and get a list of disease for the
plant with details on symptoms and great pictures.
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